Monday, October 22, 2012


Handpainted Halloween Coffee Mugs are now on sale at my Etsy Shop! Click link to visit my shop! Its a Halloween Sale!
All one of a kind! Here is another one of the many coffee mugs I've created -
All for sale! Visit

Friday, May 11, 2012

Tons of Cute and Whimsical Owl iphone cases, mugs, tshirts, toddler clothes, bags and more!

See other gifts available on Zazzle.
And... Plenty of other cute and one of kind fun stuff for sale at my shop now. All merchandise featuring my original artwork. Not just owls, but other endearing creatures as well!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Art Commissions are OPEN!

Visit my ART GALLERY for ideas of the styles and media I love to do -

Commissions for 8 X 10" art piece - Price @- $55.00
( includes cost of shipping)

Media that can be used in art-
*Ink (pen and ink)
*Sharpie marker
*Prisma black pens/markers
*Colored Pencil
*Light use of charcoal

*Art will be done on quality 94 lb weight bright white Bristol paper and quality water color paper if we need an even sturdier material
I hand-cut my 8X10" bristol drawing paper. So the edges are primarily clean but there may be the occasional 'rough' edge. It will not show when framed.

What I can do -
*Fun, whimsical characters (Primarily animals and some humans or human-like) with touches of both realism and cartoon features

*OWLS! Semi-realistic as well as completely made up owl characters

*Complex, detailed scenes in a zentagle-like fashion featuring animal characters

*Abstract art featuring whimsical elements and animals

*Most bird species (Semi-realistic as well as completely cartoony)

*Creepy Characters ( humans and animals, or a combination)

*Forest scenes

*Whimsical oceanic themes

*And quite possibly even more! If you are interested, don't be afraid to ask me if your request strays outside this list.

What I -WILL NOT- do -
*Nudity (Covered boobs only!)
*Dirty stuff
*Blood and gore
*Cruelty acts
*Extreme violence

So now we are clear on what size art piece, pricing, and what I am willing to draw for you... lets discuss payment and other important matters -

*I only accept Paypal

*After discussing and confirming with me on what you'd like for me to draw via email. I will only begin on your drawing once I receive full payment.

*I will do my very best to take from your words and conjure up an image in my head in the style I typically create.
*There will be about 2-3 days allowed of free-form sketching on your drawing and I will send you a scanned photo of the sketch when I feel it is completed and ready to be inked in. During this 2-3 day time period you are welcome to make slight changes or new additions to the drawing. But ONLY during this time period.

*Please allow at least 2-3 weeks for me to fully complete your commission. I will keep you updated via email on the drawing's progress.

*Art will be mailed in a clear protective sleeve and put in a sturdy "do not bend" cardboard mailers with a tracking number provided.

*I can mail to most all U.S States. If you are outside of the U.S, shipping will be a bit higher. Feel free to message me and see if we can work something out.

*Please, before you email me, I ask that you have a good idea of what you want and have your heart set on the art you'd like me to draw. * Time is precious to us all.

I reserve the rights to the artwork commissions. This means I have the right to -
*Make prints of the commission to sell (unless the art is very personal)
*Use the commissioned art to create products to sell (unless the art is very personal)
*Distribute the art as I please (unless the art is very personal)
You must give me credit anywhere you post the commissioned art.
You may NOT use the artwork I create for you on items you can profit from.
So there you go! If you'd like a commissioned art piece - EMAIL ME @

Springtime in my backyard - Its almost scary!

Its a bit early springtime in Texas here. I took a stroll through the backyard and took my camera to document a few pretty, odd, and wild things.

First photos are of the beautiful water lillies blooming in the pond. I'm really proud of them! I don't believe its ever been this many blooms. Maybe the recent heavy rains have encouraged them. As the temperature gets steadily warmer I plan to rejuvenate this pond which is many many years old both with fish and other aquatic life as well as more aquatic plants. Right now there are a lots of first and second generation comet goldfish living in it.
Plant life includes; Water lillies, Water Iris, and Horsetail

The "Hot-Lips" are blooming! :-)

And this darling little lizard was sun-bathing himself on the fence rail. He look so peaceful.

I love his spiny scales!

Yes... The far backyard is a bit lush and green. A big jumbled mess of excited fresh spring weeds, grass, flowers and clovers all fighting to grow bigger and outcompete the others..

Work needs to be done! :-) Till next time

Friday, March 16, 2012

Art Commissions OPEN!

Commissions for 8 X 10" art piece - Price @- $55.00
( includes cost of shipping)

Media that can be used in art-
*Ink (pen and ink)
*Sharpie marker
*Prisma black pens/markers
*Colored Pencil
*Light use of charcoal

*Art will be done on quality 94 lb weight bright white Bristol paper and quality water color paper if we need an even sturdier material
I hand-cut my 8X10" bristol drawing paper. So the edges are primarily clean but there may be the occasional 'rough' edge. It will not show when framed.
What I can do -
*Fun, whimsical characters (Primarily animals and some humans or human-like) with touches of both realism and cartoon features

*OWLS! Semi-realistic as well as completely made up owl characters

*Complex, detailed scenes in a zentagle-like fashion featuring animal characters

*Abstract art featuring whimsical elements and animals

*Most bird species (Semi-realistic as well as completely cartoony)

*Creepy Characters ( humans and animals, or a combination)

*Forest scenes

*Whimsical oceanic themes

*And quite possibly even more! If you are interested, don't be afraid to ask me if your request strays outside this list.

What I -WILL NOT- do -
*Nudity (Covered boobs only!)
*Dirty stuff
*Blood and gore
*Cruelty acts
*Extreme violence

So now we are clear on what size art piece, pricing, and what I am willing to draw for you... lets discuss payment and other important matters -

*I only accept Paypal

*After discussing and confirming with me on what you'd like for me to draw via email. I will only begin on your drawing once I receive full payment.

*I will do my very best to take from your words and conjure up an image in my head in the style I typically create.
*There will be about 2-3 days allowed of free-form sketching on your drawing and I will send you a scanned photo of the sketch when I feel it is completed and ready to be inked in. During this 2-3 day time period you are welcome to make slight changes or new additions to the drawing. But ONLY during this time period.

*Please allow at least 2-3 weeks for me to fully complete your commission. I will keep you updated via email on the drawing's progress.

*Art will be mailed in a clear protective sleeve and put in a sturdy "do not bend" cardboard mailers with a tracking number provided.

*I can mail to most all U.S States. If you are outside of the U.S, shipping will be a bit higher. Feel free to message me and see if we can work something out.

*Please, before you email me, I ask that you have a good idea of what you want and have your heart set on the art you'd like me to draw. * Time is precious to us all.
I reserve the rights to the artwork commissions. This means I have the right to -
*Make prints of the commission to sell (unless the art is very personal)
*Use the commissioned art to create products to sell (unless the art is very personal)
*Distribute the art as I please (unless the art is very personal)
You must give me credit anywhere you post the commissioned art.
You may NOT use the artwork I create for you on items you can profit from.
So there you go! If you'd like a commissioned art piece - EMAIL ME @

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Angel the Unruly Lab-Mix - Training Documenting sucess - Step 1 (Leash Training)

Normally I don't post about my dogs and things related to them. But I've always been a dog lover and keenly interested in their behavior... why they do the things they do. What sets them off to bad behavior, and when is it the owner's fault and most importantly, what the owner can change about themselves to better improve their relationship with their dog.

I'm no expert. But I enjoy constantly learning about ways to deal with various problems.

Angel is a black lab mix I found as a very young puppy abandoned in a field and crying out for help (literally!) She was absolutely covered in fleas and very anemic. Lots of care brought her out of her poor condition and she grew up with the young yorkie mix pup we had already been raising. They are best friends now.
(Angel as a young pup. Not but maybe two weeks after being rescued. Enjoying a warm summer day in the screened porch)

While I tried to train Angel when she was young. I admit I didn't do as well as I should. Time slipped away fast and soon I'd just gotten in the routine of getting by with the very least amount of training.

Now at 1 year old. Angel is full of energy, easily excited and also can be very very shy.

Taking her on walks is usually impossible. She pulls on the leash until she chokes herself. And the walk is always ended with my hand so sore I can barely straighten my fingers back out. If I tried keeping Angel walking by my side she's start bucking like a wild horse and somehow manage to swing her rear end around and almost trip me. She'd step all over my shoes and I'd accidentally step on her feet constantly as she tried to get ahead and cross in front of me.

Bad dog....


Lack of training...

Most people know now that there are no bad dogs. Just bad owners. (Yes I plead guilty)

But before life gets ahead of me too much more I wanted to try training Angel one last time. Stuff I should have been doing when she was very young (And still on wobbly legs)
(Me and Angel - under 1-year)


Its now or never.

I didn't want a harsh training routine. I hated 'popping' the leash and shouting
"no" every-time the dog pulls. That crap doesn't work anyway. Eventually the dog's neck is desensitized to the leash popping/tugging and constantly repeating "no" just becomes background noise for the dog.

Then there was even the "Cesar Milan" method. Raising the collar higher up on the dog's neck "Showdog style" while that may work for some. I don't believe its the best method. I feel like restraining them teaches them nothing. And my lab-mix only pulled and choked herself more.

Don't get me wrong. I love Cesar Milan's show. I don't agree with all of his techniques but for someone to devote their entire life to dogs' well-being. I greatly admire that.

~There's always another way~

Then I happened to run across this video of demonstrating how to teach dogs to walk on a leash by simply changing direction... everytime the dog pulls.

This training method does not force the dog to stay with you. Or use special leashes or collars or even commands!

I was so excited when I saw this video. I thought... what if?? What if it would work and I would be able to take Angel, (my impossible to control lab-mix) on walks with me without sore fingers, a choking dog and me left with an overall frustrated attitude?

I admit I put it off for about a week or two. Kinda not wanting to take the risk that it might not work and I'd be hopeless.. And I also wasn't looking forward to the pulling as I 'tried' to train.

But today, I took the plunge!

I must say. I used the method in the video (changing direction when the dog pulls) and after just 15 minutes or so, Angel was starting to catch on!! For the first time ever, I was walking her around and around the grassy yard without sore hands and without her choking! The amazing and best part of it too was, Angel was NOT bucking around and leaping in front of me, she was calm and relaxed.

Angel is a dog with a high-energy level but an easily spooked deposition. She can be easily, easily intimidated but is also very headstrong when focused on something.

But today, without having to give any commands at all. She was walking by my side.

The important thing I figured out is -don't- watch the dog the whole time like a hawk. I think that makes it harder to determine when to correct the dog. Instead, look straight ahead of where you are going and become in tune to the leash. Arms loose down at your sides, and when there's tension on the leash, change direction. When the leash was looped between me and Angel, I'd take time out to praise her and give her a good pat or two.

For Angel to show such fast progress in less than an hour and only on day 1 of training. I'm so greatly impressed.

While she isn't 'cured' of her pulling. I came back from the hour long walk without sore hands and Angel was content and happy. It gives me great hope that -finally- she can be trained.

Its an amazing feeling to see something work out so well. And to know you didn't have to use the age-old uselsss techniques that only leave you frustrated.

I'm just so glad I found this technique. And I wanted to share with hopes that other people that have adult dogs with 'pulling' problems that they too can have a solution finally.

I'll probably keep updates on her progress here.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And it keeps getting better!

DAY 2 of leash training. When we left the house Angel did not even try to pull! She never once choked herself. After we left through the gate (which I swear must have a signal that sets off a bomb inside dogs who are easily excitable) she was calm and quiet.

I had to "re-direct" her much less often this time around. And I could tell she remembered a lot of yesterday's training.

So proud of Angel.

(Here she is at a very attentive, 'sit-stay' :-)