Friday, April 6, 2012

Springtime in my backyard - Its almost scary!

Its a bit early springtime in Texas here. I took a stroll through the backyard and took my camera to document a few pretty, odd, and wild things.

First photos are of the beautiful water lillies blooming in the pond. I'm really proud of them! I don't believe its ever been this many blooms. Maybe the recent heavy rains have encouraged them. As the temperature gets steadily warmer I plan to rejuvenate this pond which is many many years old both with fish and other aquatic life as well as more aquatic plants. Right now there are a lots of first and second generation comet goldfish living in it.
Plant life includes; Water lillies, Water Iris, and Horsetail

The "Hot-Lips" are blooming! :-)

And this darling little lizard was sun-bathing himself on the fence rail. He look so peaceful.

I love his spiny scales!

Yes... The far backyard is a bit lush and green. A big jumbled mess of excited fresh spring weeds, grass, flowers and clovers all fighting to grow bigger and outcompete the others..

Work needs to be done! :-) Till next time

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