Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Getting ready for a new crop of creatures

It may seem early but I'm already trying to plan out a few of the creatures I'd like to create for Halloween this year! 

It brought me to thinking I need to photo-document my very first Halloween creatures since they are several years old now and I know they cannot last forever. 

Here I show the paper mache sculptures I did along with the drawings that first inspired 
 them -
                                                     The Smiling King

The Smiling King is one of my most favorite characters I've created and actually was my first paper mache sculpture! The original drawing is depicting the unfortunate reality that sometimes we have to 'force' ourselves to smile.


This fine lady's name is "Delirium" ... Though its what most people think of when they see her ..Delirium actually was -not- inspired by Medusa. But rather, the tentacles represent the massive buildup of such insanity in her head that it is escaping and manifesting itself in this interesting form of black and white banded tentacles. If Delirium was animated, I think they would be writhing about in a very slow motion fashion.  


Poor Frank doesn't have a drawing to pose with. But its alright he's still one of the most badass paper mache sculptures I've ever done. He was created for Halloween 2010 and  was my first  highly detailed pumpkin sculpture with even real grapevine wrapped around the stem! Frank was made to look as if he was the abandoned pumpkin in the patch that rotted  into wickedness.
And so there's more to be done... more to design, sculpture and create. There's something amazing to me about being able to make what was once only in my imagination. To be able to hold in your hands something that was once just an image in my head. With the season rapidly changing into summer clothes I really should work fast as this is prime time to make critters. The heat of summer enables projects to dry quickly and starting now would allow plenty of time for detailed work, more ideas and also..errors. ; - )

Till next time!

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